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PC Tips
List of articles in category PC Tips
Flashing Sony XZ Phone ROM
Hits: 5772
Sony Z3 Compact Updating D5803
Hits: 6608
Coverting Adobe Illustrator ai files to Photoshop psd
Hits: 5922
Win10 Not Booting
Hits: 6283
Booting Toshiba Satellite from a ThumbDrive
Hits: 6397
Overclocking Raspberry Pi3
Hits: 7002
Boot from USB Drive - Win10
Hits: 7810
Getting PC Specifications
Hits: 7198
Windows 10 upgrade issues and solutions
Hits: 9525
Fixing SD Card Write Protection Error - Windows
Hits: 9572
AVG Cloudcare Tools - Update
Hits: 10840
Activating MS Office
Hits: 7514
Office 2010 Microsoft Support
Hits: 10213
Using the Spyder4Express for Multiple Displays
Hits: 11885
Changing Windows7 User folder
Hits: 8856
Android Tips
Hits: 12820
Virus Cleaning Tips
Hits: 11892
Windows7 OEM Installs
Hits: 10489
Android, Thunderbird and Google Calendar and Contacts
Hits: 16870
Windows Services
Hits: 14098
Changing the Default Windows Picture and Fax Editor
Hits: 13024
Fixing the Windows Thumbnail Problem
Hits: 11876
Command Line Codes
Hits: 13671
Boosting Your Wireless Modem Signal Strength in Australia
Hits: 96298
Video Resolution and Aspect Ratio
Hits: 16765
Vista 32 or Vista 64
Hits: 11975
Windows Memory Limits
Hits: 12140
USB, Firewire and Sata Speeds
Hits: 15142
Network and Phone Cables
Hits: 26324
Powertoys - Image Resizer
Hits: 25872
Short File Names
Hits: 14763
IE User authorisation fix
Hits: 14685
Flash Down-Grade
Hits: 14104